So.. Life has changed up a gear but the blog stalled. Oops.
Quick update.. I've moved into an apartment of my own with an old school friend and -wait for it, my boyfriend. Amazing I know. And things are.. steady. Its hard to be happy when you're used to the slightest up turn being followed by disappointment. But things are honestly going really well. I don't think anyone has ever cared about me this much, and I've never been more comfortable in my own space except for in my family home. I bought a new car, and i KILLED IT at uni last semester. I'm very exciting about this year, being the last of my arts degree. 4 years down!
Anyway, so I was just going about my business the other day and decided to check this blog out (have been less dependant on internet socializing since the move and the relationship). I have 11000 hits? What in the world... itseems a little out of proportion. Anyway, if anyone out there is reading, what got you here and what shall I continue writing on?
I think I have a major case of writers block because nothing of interest or value is coming to me. I'll keep my mind open and get back to you.
The Site Has Moved
11 years ago